by Matt Rivers | Dec 31, 2020 | Inspiration, Spiritual
The Age of Aquarius We stand together, on the eve of the first New Year in The Age of Aquarius. We celebrated with love and unity as the Solstice star, the grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn rose high above the clouds and confusion of humanities burgeoning...
by Matt Rivers | Nov 5, 2020 | Inspiration, Spiritual
Step into the Fire Traditionally people celebrate 5th November as Guy Fawkes Night. The day when evil was thwarted. And yet, whether right or wrong, Guy Fawkes, the symbol of the downtrodden, the mask from V for Vendetta, inspiration for Anonymous, the man to step...
by Matt Rivers | Aug 1, 2020 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual, Writing
Surviving But Not Living I am returning to creativity. This may sound strange. It sounds strange to my ears. I believe that all humans are creative. I believe that we create every day, with our thoughts, words and actions. In fact, I believe, through study and...
by Matt Rivers | Jun 12, 2019 | Creativity, Inspiration, Music
Transformation Transformation is natural. Everything is in a constant state of change and yet we humans seem to struggle with it most. We find our comfort zones and often stay there as much as possible. I have watched my dog adapt to any situation and find the best of...
by Matt Rivers | Jun 19, 2018 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual
The Distractions of Being Creative – Part 4 The last part of this series has taken a few months to finish and it seems apt that the subject is really the reason why it has taken so long. I have explored strategies for moving into silence, listening to our hearts...