Create February Fabulous! – A New Beginning

by | Feb 1, 2017 | Creativity, Inspiration, Music, Spiritual, Writing | 0 comments

The outer world seems to have gone crazy. Politicians have turned into caricatures of themselves. Global corporations seem to have turned up the heat on world domination. Wars are escalating and humanity is bombarded with tragic news and mind-numbing media.

Yet in the face of all this clap-trap, time and nature have gracefully turned the seasons and February dawns with great promise. The year is 2017 and there is much to do. January, full of change, goals and resolutions has drawn to a close, marked by the grim comedy of an orange man in a white house.

As this swirl of intense activity in our world continues to inspire us to new questions and ways of living, perhaps it is time to jump into the inner world of ourselves and create a little magic.

I often look out upon my world and remark at how different day-to-day reality is from the doom of mass-media. I see humanity reaching out to each other. I see amazing and elegant solutions appearing daily; new technologies, sustainable farming, rainforest and coral regeneration projects, ocean-plastic cleaning initiatives, new music, art, photography, communities supporting each other’s causes, new natural medicines being explored. I see humanities ability to focus, love and create so many new ideas that it is simply mind-boggling!

All this happens because each of us, in our hearts is creative. Our spirits are creative. Our thoughts are creative, our views, our perceptions, words and actions. Everything we do creates something else. How we react is creative. How we feel creates effects in others. The simplest smile at a stranger can warm their hearts for the rest of the day and go on to create something magnificent!

Then there are our magnificent ideas and efforts in art, dance, music, food, colour, houses, gardens, children, business, words, design, architecture. The list is as long as every human endeavour that ever existed. We are truly magnificent.

Last year I began a small challenge for myself. I would create something new, every day in February. Not only that, I would share it with others, so that I could be accountable to myself. This year I am repeating the challenge. I want to grow this movement. I want to grow a community of people that recognise their common traits and celebrate their diversity.

I am doing this because I believe that if we explore and celebrate our creativity, in both ourselves and others, we can begin to live in a harmonious world. We are not here to work for pittance, in fear and sadness. We were born to explore and express ourselves in wondrous ways. We have been put on this earth to love each other and celebrate the grand majesty and diversity of each and every organism of this shining jewel of a planet.

It may sound trite and incredibly hippy, but creativity can take any form we want. It can be dirty, grimy, gritty realism, hard techno, soft pastel colours or creamy, sweet carrot cake. It can be innovative and sustainable or just plain sexy. It can be any form we wish.

I hope you will join me – in person or in your own private way. Expressing and honouring our spirit and the great ideas we have is one way to embrace and dissolve the darkness and ride the merry-go-round of this crazy beautiful place we live.

Happy creating to you.

Love, love, love…


Create February Fabulous! is an idea and challenge to show up to your own creativity every day for the month of February. It is a simple idea. The creativity can take any form, and take any amount of time. Any media, any discipline, the only condition is to have fun. No critics, no judgement, of self or others, just a celebration of our own unique human quality of creativity. You are encouraged to share your projects anywhere you like using the hashtag #createfebruary. Join the Facebook group, share on Instagram, blog about it, invite friends to some daily creativity. Let’s see what we can create together.

Matt Rivers is a singer/songwriter, musician, poet and writer of words. He is exploring the forests of consciousness, time and space, and surfing the waves of thought, love and being. He is passionate about rediscovering our inner creative flow, adding love and beauty to society and looking after our wonderful, amazing planet.