by Matt Rivers | Nov 8, 2022 | Creativity, Inspiration, Writing
Begin It Now Avoiding the Work I have been sitting and thinking about writing a book for two years, planning it in my head, circling the wildebeest that live in my mind, watching for an opening and waiting for the time to strike. In those two years, the herd has not...
by Matt Rivers | Oct 13, 2021 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual, Writing
The Creative Force There is an eternal drive within every human to create something. This drive is inescapable. It is the dynamo of life. It is wrapped up in sexual attraction and reproduction at the most fundamental level, yet beyond that, manifests as a conscious...
by Matt Rivers | Dec 31, 2020 | Inspiration, Spiritual
The Age of Aquarius We stand together, on the eve of the first New Year in The Age of Aquarius. We celebrated with love and unity as the Solstice star, the grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn rose high above the clouds and confusion of humanities burgeoning...
by Matt Rivers | Dec 10, 2020 | Inspiration, Spiritual
The Art of Meditation – Relaxing Into It Meditation is a funny thing. One minute you are struggling, fighting the moment, your mind, and your thoughts, then in a blink of an eye, you can be drifting into the gap between everything, floating in a sea of...
by Matt Rivers | Dec 2, 2020 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual
The Art of Meditation – Exploring the Landscape Meditation is one of those things we all know we should probably start doing at some point in our lives. We have read about it, likely been told by a well-meaning yoga friend it would be good for us, maybe even...