by Matt Rivers | Feb 11, 2018 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual, Writing
The Distractions of Being Creative – Part 1 I didn’t think I had a blog in me today. I could have posted something I already wrote but as to actually writing something fresh for public, I didn’t feel I had the time or the inclination. However, this was my kick... by Matt Rivers | Feb 4, 2018 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual
Start At The Beginning I have a burning question in my mind. What have I made today? I wrote about it a few days ago. I intend to create something every day. I intend to be more creative and in the flow of creativity than any time in my life. I believe creativity is... by Matt Rivers | Feb 2, 2018 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual
What Have I Made Today? There is a question that has recently burnt a hole in mind. It is a question that seems to reach deep inside me and turn me inside out. It is spurring me toward a greater expression of myself. I think it is a relevant question for everyone.... by Matt Rivers | Feb 14, 2017 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual
Create February Fabulous! – The Distraction Faction How to Nurture Your Art I tend to write what I know or have experienced. In this case, I find myself reflecting on the first two weeks of my own creative challenge – Create February Fabulous! I have had ups and... by Matt Rivers | Feb 8, 2017 | Creativity, Inspiration, Spiritual
Create February Fabulous! – The Battle Art can be a hard place to live in. It is fraught with many ups and downs. It is subject to much criticism, frowned upon as a career choice and is subject to our own internal judgement and ramblings. Yet art and expression...