Note to Self
We all have a creative voice within us waiting to be revealed. The question is, how do we tap into it?
Note to Self is a book of two halves. The first part is a collection of thoughts, meditations and insights written over the last twenty-five years, from me to myself. Using a method called ‘Soul-Writing’, these ‘notes’ have shaped a journey, honed a writer and created a philosophy. They exist to inspire, ponder, and lead the mind forwards.
The second part is all about creating your own ‘Notes to Self’. We dive into ‘Soul-Writing’ and how to begin to discover your own creative voice. We all have a natural flow of creativity that makes us human. There is a doorway into the wise part of ourselves that is available to us all. ‘Soul-Writing’ allows us gently let go of the limitations of our ego, to process emotions, release our inhibitions, and express ourselves more fully.
We can use ‘Soul Writing’ to heal ourselves or learn a new way of writing that is focused on flow. We learn to meditate in the moment and undo all the inhibitions we have toward creativity and writing. This can be a purely creative endeavour or a deeply healing journey. It is for beginners and seasoned writers alike.
Note to Self: Writing to Reveal your Soul is available on Amazon now.
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The next adventure…

Many Moons Ago
Picture a land a universe away,
Where kaleidoscopic magic dreams
Laugh and play all day.
A land that is full of funny little things,
Like monkey wings and moonlight cups
And silver mountain springs.
Deep beyond and far from sight,
A river was once born,
Born to have adventures
And explore his many forms.
Upon this world he travelled,
The horizon without end.
Sometimes he would be happy,
Sometimes he had no friends.
He sailed the skies to castle clouds
Then fell into the gloom,
And when the stars were bright as day,
He sparkled in the moon.
As he grew and journeyed far,
He met a curious boy.
A wonder of the rainbow,
A magic ball of joy.
This land is far beyond the sight of normal human eyes.
Dare you come with us and see what dreams inside you lie?